Good evening guys , I’m getting ready to install a gm one wire marine alternator on my starboard engine . The alternator shop called and said the rotor inside my original prestolite has an open short , and the rotor is no longer available to order. So they recommended I replace and update it to a one wire gm marine alt. After reviewing my wiring diagram for the 350Q engine , there is a hot wire coming off the voltage regulator going to the positive side of the ignition coil. If I remove the regulator and that wire will also no longer be there , will that matter ? There is a positive wire coming off the ignition switch going to the positive side of the coil also , so I’m thinking this should provide power to the coil . Have any of y’all converted to a one wire alternaor ? If so did it fit the factory mount on the 350Q ? Alternator shop tells me it’s slightly larger and I’ll probably have to adjust the arm undernethe it that provides the swing for belt adjustment . Any info y’all could provide would be appreciated .
I plan to use my existing b+ wire that hooks up to the shunt to provide continued use of the amp meter .
The wire from the coil to the alt is removed. ( It was the exciter for when the key was on) You need a heavier cable from the battery switch output to the Alternator. Usually about a 4-6guage depending on the length of the run.