Here is my understanding of the difference between the express and the sedan, but my question is: the windshield/pilothouse on the sedan was moved forward? If so, how far exactly? Or not? I was writing this post and realized I wasn't sure if the pilot house/windshield is further forward??
"38’ Chris-Craft Commander Sedan. A popular version on the same hull as the Express but with modifications including moving the windshield/pilot house forward, an enclosed cockpit and the interior layout is very different.
The basic difference between the Express and Sedan is the ____________ configuration of the helm station and interior cabin, as the exterior of these two boats look similar, and the hull is the same.
The helm is just-starboard-of-center in an enclosed cabin, which opens up into the living quarters below."
Can an expert confirm details of the pilot house move?
trying to answer my own question, it seems the dashboard is definitely forward a bit on the sedan compared to the express, but i'm not convinced that changed the exterior design of the pilot house? i.e. did the windshield move forward?
Interesting question. In my 1967 Sedan, as you reach the bottom step going below you're right under the windshield.
I have a 38 Express. After seeing lots of Sedan pics, I've never thought there was a difference in the fiberglass parts. I think the front roof/deck is the same size on both, and the cabin roof over the helm seems the same size, too. To fill in your blank above, I'd say the basic difference is the "interior, including the ..." or something similar.
All I can say is the Express had a 2 pane windshield and the Sedan had a 3 with only the middle opening up. Moved forward tho? I don't know but they would have had to reconfigure the side windows for that scenario too I believe. Bob Bothum is on FB and a friend if he's not here.
My guess is... now... thinking about it, is that they reduced the depth of the "dashboard" on the sedan thereby moving the helm wheel forward. I'm now under the impression that nothing changed in the fiberglass parts except for maybe a deeper cut on the "dashboard"
One other change in the engine room area. The sedan had it Gen in the front directly under the wheel and side to side.