Ok... quick question. I am trouble shooting my starboard engine (427) issue. Seems that maybe I have two issues. A starter that could be going bad, but also something in my distributor. Let's cast the starter aside for the moment because, well... one thing at a time...
I have electronic ignition - and when I pull off my crab cap, I see the Mallory module there, and it has "12079" stamped on it. On the opposite side of the module, it says "Unilite". I was trying to look up a replacement (yes, I'm going to swap the modules out from one engine to another this weekend to see if the symptoms follow - but I'd like to have a spare just in case) - and I came across a "Mallory 605 replacement ignition module for Unilite distributors." In the description it says that it fits all distributors and conversion kits.
So... is that true? The pictures I see for the 605 replacement look exactly the same, but... I want to verify, and I don't see anything online that does that for me...
Thanks in advance...
Oh... one more thing... is removing the ignition module just removing the two screws and disconnecting the wiring? Disconnect 12v before doing?