Our 41 Commander has the three original air conditoners. None of them blow cold and they run on R-22 refrigerant.
I don't think it's wise to work on getting these old units back up and running since R-22 has largely been phased out, it's hard to come by, and due the age of the system, I have a feeling I'll be chasing down leaks in the system on an ongoing basis (pin holes in the copper pipes, connections, etc.).
I would like get some input from those that have updated their air conditioners.
FYI, currerntly there is a unit for the forward berth, one for the main salon and one for the aft stateroom.
My main questions are as follows:
1) Thoughts on installing a split system which is the same as what in installed currently? Or, would it be better (and easier) to install all-in-one units?
2) If we use all-in-one units, could a single system handle the main state room and small forward berth since the current air handler for the main salon is right next to the forward berth?
3) Thought on BTU sizing?
Any input would be appreciated.
Hap Carlson
Port Washington, WI
Thanks for the feedback. I am leaning toward self contained units if I can't get any of the existing units up and running. Would like to find someone in the Milwaukee/Port Washington WI area to pressure test the existing units to see if they will hold pressure and see if they can still run. But they are R-22 and old, so that may not be the best solution. Question: do you know which air conditioners don't use boards? Also, what modifications would you make to help quiet the all in one units if you had it to do over again? Appreciate your help on this!