Greetings all members. (new and old)
For me this is as much of a homecoming as a new start. 12 years ago I gave up on my 3rd Commander - a project 55' that nearly took me out lol not lol - and i moved away from the club. But, my dream of owning another Commander never went away, and as my kids grow up (now all in their 20s) I am feeling the Commander bug again and I'm back. It is exciting to be a part of the new Commander Club website and the next part of our journey.
Who is new? Who is an old member? Tell us your stories! Tbh I used to post non-stop years ago and I'm tipping my toe back in the water.
Please respond with your Commander Club story, how many years have you been a member, what brought you in? Are you new and looking for a boat?
Reply here and I look forward to hearing from you!
Whitney Pillsbury
Well, let's just say I'm no longer a Commander owner, but still love and appreciate them from afar. This club remains near and dear to my heart, and its members are incredibly special folks. Glad to see a "2.0" version to the website and forum, and I look forward to enjoying Commanders vicariously through those that do own these classics.